Simula is, at its core, a research laboratory - not a university. So we can "do education" a little differently.
With strong partnerships with both universities and the public and private sectors, Simula can offer a large span of exciting educational opportunities, targeting everyone from students to professors.
We provide a number of educational opportunities at Simula, from master's theses and paid internships that are embedded in the research groups, through fully employed PhD candidates and postdocs with additional training opportunities for developing the skills needed for a successful career in (or out of) research. In close collaboration with our partners abroad, we also offer researcher exchanges and secondments.
→ Courses & summer schools
- Communicating Scientific research
- Summer School in Computational Physiology
- Workshops and seminars
→ MSc students
- Internships & summer jobs
- Masters thesis at Simula
- Graduate courses
→ PhD candidates
- Dedicated PhD advisors
- PhD forum & retreats
- Targeted trainings and courses
→ Researcher training
- Supervisor training & seminars
- Grant support
- Career support
→ Research exchanges
- MSCA program
- Exchange projects
→ Professional development
- Leadership training
- Project management
- Communication skills

The Academy is Simula's hub for researcher training and continuous professional development at Simula. The aim of Simula Academy is to provide excellent training opportunities for all our employees to develop the skills they need to do their best work.
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