

Researching today's fundamental challenges within Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is our specialty.

Researchers at Simula solve important and fundamental problems of science and engineering that are of value to society, with a particular focus on five main research areas within ICT. The areas are Communication Systems, Cryptography, Scientific Computing, Software Engineering and Machine Learning.

Simply put, to deliver research at the highest level, Simula has a diverse, talented team that collaborates with international experts across a variety of disciplines.

Research areas at Simula

These are Simula's five main research areas:

Communication Systems - In our digital society everything from buying a coffee to filing your taxes depends on the internet - this makes things more efficient, and more vulnerable. We seek ways to take advantage of the opportunities and reduce the risks associated with modern communication systems.
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Cryptography - Our researchers design and analyse cryptographic schemes for secure communication and computation, evaluate the security of their implementation, and develop techniques for efficient, secure and reliable communications, networking, storage and retrieval of information.
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Scientific Computing - An essential part of scientific computing is to describe reality with mathematical models. We focus on both theoretical foundations and applications of these models to understand the human body.
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Software Engineering - The goal of our research is to ensure that the software we rely on is robust, reliable, safe and secure, both for today’s systems and for quantum systems of the future.
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Machine Learning - Our research focuses on the mathematical foundations of machine learning, the experimental study of the algorithms, and the application of machine learning in real-life applications including sports, healthcare and software engineering.
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Research contacts

Contract research

Simula conducts contract research for both the private and public sectors, drawing on the expertise of over 150 researchers within our five core research areas. This enables the assembly of specialised teams with the necessary expertise for each project, and plays a significant role in fulfilling Simula’s goal of conducting research that contributes to lasting innovation in society.

Education & research

Research at Simula meets high, international standards, achieved by working with the best and brightest minds. Through esteemed educational partnerships, we provide supervision and mentorship to PhD candidates and master's students that mutually enrich the discovery of knowledge.

Students and researchers affiliated with Simula also receive support and training opportunities through Simula Academy, developing the skills and experience to achieve their long-term career goals.

Sharing the research

Simula is committed to sharing the work we do. Simula researchers regularly present at conferences, teach at universities, and do public outreach. Our research is published in many formats, from publications in international scientific journals, books, textbooks, and open-source repositories to refereed proceedings, technical reports, popular science media and more.

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