Miroslav Kuchta
Senior Research Scientist
- Department
- Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
- Organisation
- Simula Research Laboratory

- miroslav@simula.no
Journal Articles
M. Causemann, M. Kuchta, R. Masri and M. E. Rognes
In-silico molecular enrichment and clearance of human intracranial spaces
Journal Articles
A. J. Ellingsrud and M. Kuchta
A splitting, discontinuous Galerkin solver for the cell-by-cell electroneutral Nernst-Planck framework
I. Gjerde, M. Kuchta, M. E. Rognes and B. Wohlmuth
Directional flow in perivascular networks: mixed finite elements for reduced-dimensional models on graphs
Journal of Mathematical Biology
R. Masri, M. Zeinhofer, M. Kuchta and M. E. Rognes
The modelling error in multi-dimensional time-dependent solute transport models
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
Book Chapters
N. Dimola, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and P. Zunino
Robust Preconditioning of mixed-dimensional PDEs on 3d-1d domains coupled with Lagrange multipliers
Quantitative Approaches to Microcirculation: Mathematical Models, Computational Methods and Data Analysis
M. Causemann, R. Masri, M. Kuchta and M. E. Rognes
Modelling molecular transport in human pial perivasculature
Lund Glymphatics Symposium
Talks, keynote
M. Kuchta
Robust iterative solvers for brain glymphatics
University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Talks, invited
M. Kuchta
Parameter and domain-robust preconditioners for coupled multiphysics problems
WCCM, Vancouver, Canada
Talks, contributed
M. Causemann and M. Kuchta
Efficient and scalable solvers for a cell-by-cell dual-poroelasticity problem
FEniCS conference 2024, Oslo, Norway
M. Kuchta
Modeling molecular transport in the human intracranial space
FEniCS Conference, Oslo, Norway
Journal Articles
J. Haubner, O. Hellan, M. Zeinhofer and M. Kuchta
Learning Mesh Motion Techniques with Application to Fluid-Structure Interaction
R. Masri, M. Kuchta and B. Riviere
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for 3D-1D systems
A. Budisa, X. Hu, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and L. T. Zikatanov
Algebraic multigrid methods for metric-perturbed coupled problems
SIAM J. Sci. Comput.
L. Bojarskaite, A. Vallet, D. M. Bjørnstad, K. M. G. Binder, C. Cunen, K. Heuser, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and R. Enger
Sleep cycle-dependent vascular dynamics in male mice and the predicted effects on perivascular cerebrospinal fluid flow and solute transport
Nature Communications
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, H. Finsberg, M. Kuchta, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
A cell-based framework for modeling cardiac mechanics
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
Proceedings, refereed
A. Budisa, X. Hu, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and L. T. Zikatanov
Rational approximation preconditioners for multiphysics problems
Numerical Methods and Applications (NMA 2022)
Journal Articles
M. Kuchta, S. G. Wubshet, N. K. Afseth, K. Mardal and K. H. Liland
Encoder–decoder neural networks for predicting future
Journal of Biophotonics
L. Bojarskaite, D. M. Bjørnstad, A. Vallet, K. M. G. Binder, C. Cunen, K. Heuser, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and R. Enger
Sleep cycle-dependent vascular dynamics enhance perivascular cerebrospinal fluid flow and solute transport
A. Budisa, X. Hu, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and L. T. Zikatanov
HAZniCS – Software Components for Multiphysics Problems
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
B. Zapf, J. Haubner, M. Kuchta, G. Ringstad, P. K. Eide and K. Mardal
Investigating molecular transport in the human brain from MRI with physics-informed neural networks
Scientific Reports
W. M. Boon, T. Koch, M. Kuchta and K. Mardal
Robust Monolithic Solvers for the Stokes--Darcy Problem with the Darcy Equation in Primal Form
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
W. M. Boon, M. Hornkjøl, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Parameter-robust methods for the Biot–Stokes interfacial coupling without Lagrange multipliers
Journal of Computational Physics
Q. Hong, J. Kraus, M. Kuchta, M. Lymbery, K. Mardal and M. E. Rognes
Robust approximation of generalized Biot-Brinkman problems
Journal on Scientific Computing
Book Chapters
A. Elmokashfi, S. W. Funke, T. Klock, M. Kuchta, V. Naumova and J. J. Uv
Digital tracing, validation, and reporting
Smittestopp − A Case Study on Digital Contact Tracing
Talks, invited
M. Kuchta
Fractional operators in coupled multiphysics problems with implicit coupling
M. Kuchta
Parameter-robust monolithic solvers for Stokes-Darcy/Biot systems
The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS), Oslo, Norway
M. Kuchta, W. M. Boon, K. E. Holter, M. Hornkjøl, T. Koch, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Fractional operators in coupled multiphysics problems with implicit coupling
Numerical Solution of Fractional Differential Equations and Applications NSFDE&A’22
M. Kuchta, W. M. Boon, M. Hornkjøl, T. Koch, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Parameter-robust Methods for Biot-Stokes and Darcy-Stokes Interfacial Coupling without Lagrange Multipliers
15th World Congress on Computation Mechanics
M. Kuchta, A. Budisa, X. Hu, L. T. Zikatanov and K. Mardal
Fractional Laplacians and Hybridized DG
Simula's Workshop on computational mechanics models on domains of heterogeneous dimensionality, Split, Croatia
Talks, contributed
M. Kuchta
Preconditioners for multiphysics systems and the ubiquitous fractional Laplacian
Finite Element Circus UF 2022
M. Kuchta, W. M. Boon, T. Koch, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Parameter-robust monolithic solvers for coupled Biot/Darcy-Stokes models
27th International Domain Decomposition Conference, DD27
Å. Telle, J. D. Trotter, X. Cai, M. Kuchta, H. Finsberg, J. Sundnes and S. Wall
Modeling cardiac mechanics using a cell-based framework
15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV), Yokohama, Japan
Conference proceedings
M. Kuchta
Domain Decomposition Solvers for Operators with Fractional Interface Perturbations
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVII
Journal Articles
W. M. Boon, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Robust Preconditioners for Perturbed Saddle-Point Problems and Conservative Discretizations of Biot's Equations Utilizing Total Pressure
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
M. Kuchta, F. Laurino, K. Mardal and P. Zunino
Analysis and approximation of mixed-dimensional PDEs on 3D-1D domains coupled with Lagrange multipliers
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
Book Chapters
M. Kuchta and K. Mardal
Iterative Solvers for EMI Models
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
A. P. Buccino, M. Kuchta, J. Schreiner and K. Mardal
Improving Neural Simulations with the EMI Model
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and M. E. Rognes
Solving the EMI Equations using Finite Element Methods
Modeling Excitable Tissue: The EMI Framework
Journal Articles
K. E. Holter, M. Kuchta and K. Mardal
Robust preconditioning for coupled Stokes–Darcy problems with the Darcy problem in primal form
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
W. M. Boon, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and R. Ruiz-Baier
Robust preconditioners for perturbed saddle-point problems and conservative discretizations of Biot's equations utilizing total pressure
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.05236
T. Bærland, M. Kuchta, K. Mardal and T. Thompson
An observation on the uniform preconditioners for the mixed Darcy problem
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
R. R. de la Torre, M. Kuchta and A. Jensen
Experiments on air entrainment produced by a circular free falling jet
International Journal of Multiphase Flow
S. Mitusch, S. W. Funke and M. Kuchta
Hybrid FEM-NN models: Combining artificial neural networks with the finite element method
Journal of Computational Physics