The Simula-Berkeley Education and Research Collaboration


The Simula-Berkeley Education and Research (SIMBER) collaboration is one of several internationalization initiatives being enacted by Simula that involve partnerships with major universities and research institutes in California. Scientifically, SIMBER leverages common expertise held by Simula, the University of California Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in areas of high-performance computing and high-throughput stem cell screening methods for pharmaceutical development. Combining the power of these highly specialized fields is essential for developing efficient and reliable methods that utilize modern simulation platforms and large-scale medical and biological datasets. SIMBER’s core scientific tenet is that integrating these specialties will be one of the major challenges for 21st century medicine, and one of the great opportunities for high performance computing in the coming decades.

SIMBER is funded by the Research Council of Norway under the INTPART programme. As for Simula’s other major internationalization efforts, SIMBER is intended to bring Norway’s world class scientists together with those of the partner institutions, and to do so in a way that develops both the scientific state-of-the-art and strengthens Norway’s bonds to leading international research institutions. In all operations SIMBER seeks to achieve these goals through policies and procedures that minimize the environmental impact of our collaborative work.

Opportunities through SIMBER

MOBILITY - We provide opportunities for young scientists and senior researchers at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) and Simula Research Laboratory (Simula) to interact frequently and in a way that is specific to the research problems they are working together to solve. If you are a Simula employee or work with the collaborating groups at UCB or LBL and wish to apply for travel funding, please contact Dr. Andrew Edwards or Dr. Nick Forsch.

EDUCATION – SIMBER also supports opportunities for computational scientists, biologists and physiologists to attend Simula's annual Summer School in Computational Physiology. This school covers material that is core to SIMBER’s scientific foundation, and exposes Norwegian students to world-leading international researchers in a strongly multidisciplinary environment. Tools developed by the groups will be shared, showcased, and demonstrated through the school. Learn more on the summer school pages.

SIMBER partners
